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Main reasons for using e'Pap.ingenious unique Micronutritional Powder, created by Zimbabwean Ashoka Fellow and Paul Fellows Rotary Club Award recipient Dr Basil Kransdorff,and supported by his widow Rose.

1. Product is a daily natural healthy for all family food not a medicine or drug. From the (Foetus to Grave ).with 16 years documentary evidence to back its efficacy up.
Regardless of Health or financial status.

2.Can be made affordable to all. 900/ 1800UGX daily portion. One 50gm portion is equivalent to a TEN course meal nutritionally. Over 200 Million portions have already been distributed across the continent of Africa and beyond.

3.A complete Well Being product energises envigorates Sports people Factory workers(productivity rates through the roof, absenteeism ,sickness rates through the floor), Drivers Africa has a shockingly high rate of road traffic accidents many caused by FATIGUE.Number of accidents has reduced where daily use of e'Pap has been used. Help to students during intense study periods,Improves Emotional well being of Carers,but also those being cared for example elderly, Malnourished (children often show rapid weight gains,skin hair condition improves and cognitive skill heightened, more eager to learn alert Lack of key micro nutrients has been proven to damage both physical and mental well being which are inextricably linked. The List is endless, Impacts quickly (try the 10 day effect test). Dorris Wedding empire style wedding wears with high waist

4.Simple to deliver with supervision even a child can prepare great tasting 4 flavours of choice. Original (Soya ) Vanilla Banana or Strawberry.**** Vanilla most popular in Uganda.*** (Whole food Pre cooked fortified cereal.
International safety certified Halal Vegetarian Kosher.
*****Please note MUST NEVER BE BOILED ******** this will destroy the efficacy of the micro nutrients.

5. Saves on time, reduces personal risk to ladies collecting firewood, saves on buying charcoal.

6.Can be added to traditional Uganda cuisine after cooking,used in e'Pap recipes,sprinkled,used as a stand alone porridge named NO.1 Porridge in South Africa country of Manufacture.

7.Protects immune system against lower respiratory viruses sickness Flu Pneumonia etc.

8.Enables better management of chronic diseases TB HIV (stabilizing CD counts with or without the benefit of Anti Retro Viral drugs) E'Pap was created before ARTs were developed Diabetes.

9. With regular exercise enables better weight management.

10.Contains only natural plant stivia(to prevent addition of refined sugar),Used by diabetics everywhere.

11.Used in Hospices by both carers and those being cared for.
Proved to reduce incidence of thrush, and better enable the use of medication and food and drink even in last days of life.

12.Evidenced to reduce the reoccurrence of TB dramatically by up to 49% (strains of MDR Multi drug resistant TB are rife across certain parts of the Globe.Endorsed by SANTA South African TB Association amongst others.

13.Prevents diarrhea and dramatically reduces incidence of anaemia (42% of all pregnant women Globally are anaemic).

14. In Clinical tests in Benin proven to enable a pregnant lady regardless of how poor her diet(if she takes e'Pap every day)to not only give birth to a healthy thriving infant but also to dramatically reduce risk of morbidity to herself.
Lactating ladies produce beautiful rich breast Milk (exclusive Breast Milk is absolutely BEST FOR BABY.
Because E'Pap contains 28 key micro nutrients this negates any requirement for ZINC, IRON VITAMIN A FOLIC ACID or any other supplementation. The need for the use of "Follow on Milk " a clever marketing invention by Baby Milk Producers with zero added value also becomes redundant.

15.Healing: small but regular ,daily portions of e'Pap after surgery has proven to rapidly accelerate the healing of skin tissue after even the most major trauma injuries.

16.E'Pap has been used to amazing effect by many Humanitarian Aid agencies over the years in the aftermath of the displacement of Refugees, Cyclones etc.

17.E,Pap is supported by Rotary Clubs across across Southern Africa UK USA,feeding thousands of children every single days for many years.

18.E'pap is not meant as a Meal Replacement although to prove its efficacy and positive impact for 30 DAYS I ate no other food but e'Pap only liquid the results were outstanding.

19 Over the years many failed attempts have been made to copy the state of the art chemistry combined with the unique cocktail of Micro nutrients Vitamins and minerals,but there is only 1 E'Pap .

E'Pap is NOT a belly filler,nor is it a partial intervention to enable a short term return to good health only to be followed by a regression back to poor health but a daily solution to enable man woman or child to become" nutrient replete".