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1. All Life begins with a single _____________.
A) organ
B) microbe
C) tissue
D) cell
2. The control center of a cell is the _____________.
A) chromosome
B) nucleus
C) cytoplasm
D) cell membrane
3. Skin, ears, and kidneys are examples of _____________.
A) organ systems
B) organs
C) cells
D) tissues
4. The _____________ system removes waste products from the body.
A) Digestive
B) All of these
C) Excretory
D) Integumentary
5. A group of similar cells performing the same function is a(n) _____________.
A) system
B) organ
C) cell
D) tissue

6. The type of joint in your knee is a _____________ joint.
A) gliding
B) ball & socket
C) fixed
D) hinge

7. The type of joint found in your shoulder is a _____________ joint.
A) gliding
B) ball & socket
C) hinge
D) fixed

8. One important function of bones is to produce _____________.
A) cartilage
B) ligaments
C) tendons
D) blood cells
9. Breathing, heart beating, and food digesting are examples of activities using _____________ type of muscles. Dorris Wedding tea calf length mother of the bride or groom outfits
A) cardiac
B) striated
C) involuntary
D) voluntary
10. Walking, running, and carrying a book involve using _____________ type of muscles.
A) voluntary
B) involuntary
C) striated
D) cardiac
11. Cardiac muscle tissue can be found in your _____________.
A) Liver
B) Brain
C) Stomach
D) Heart
12. Skin helps the body maintain a steady _____________ through perspiration and enlarging of blood vessels.
A) Heart beat
B) Temperature
C) Tan
D) Pace
13. Digestion begins in the _____________.
A) stomach
B) mouth
C) large intestine
D) small intestine

14. The human heart has _____________ chambers (rooms).
A) Two
B) Five
C) Three
D) Four

15. The top chambers of the heart are called the _____________.
A) Ventricle
B) Atrium
C) Septum
D) Aorta

16. The bottom of the heart is called the _____________.
A) Ventricle
B) Septum
C) Aorta
D) Atrium
17. Arteries, Veins, and capillaries are the _____________ in the circulatory system.
A) cells
B) tissues
C) organs
D) vessels